Teaching the value of money to children and environmental conscience awareness is essential for life skills!
Teaching the value of money to children and environmental conscience awareness is essential for life skills!
How can I teach this skill of spending dollars and saving dollars, I wondered how? How can I teach our children environmental conscience awareness. I wondered how?
One day I have a light bulb moment! How about recycling bottles, cans, plastics, and cardboard containers into CASH?
So we began, every plastic bottle we saved in the household equalled 10 cent per bottle so depending on how many bottles you save can quickly add up to a large amount of dollars.
Over the months our family collected 407 Containers which came to a total of $40.70 wow that the kids pocket money earnt.
The recycling depots accept most glass, plastic, aluminium, steel, and paper-based cartons between 150ml and 3L.
Noah and Abbey see the rewards for saving a bottle which it adds up to be valuable pocket money. When spending their money, they really think 100 % if entirely they want to buy that item. It’s like the power of choice is a big decision as they have the choice to spend or to save. I asked the question “you really like it” if you decide to purchase that item then you will only have this amount of dollars left.
We had a conversation about understanding that plastic can be recycled which can turn into soft drink bottles, juice soft drink bottles, water bottles, Shampoo/conditioners bottles, Liquid hand soap bottles and Carry-home food containers which creates mindfulness with activating environmental conscience awareness during collecting bottles and cashing in on the rewards once we have enough bottles to finally go to the recycling depot.
Teaching the value of money to children and environmental conscience awareness is essential for life skills!
